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Share Your Story

Beyond the WallThis site is dedicated to providing space for the stories of women who left the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to become ordained pastors and teachers in other denominations.  We also welcome the stories of women who left the LCMS because of its unjust stance against the service of women to God and church, whether ordained or not.

To share your story, please contact us through the form below or at WomenPastors(at)ordainwomennow(dot)com.  Your story can be as brief or as long as you are moved to write.  If you are so inclined, please also include a photo or several photos as well as links to your blogs, websites, and sermons.

We’re working to provide a similar space on the Ordain Women Now website for the stories of women and men who remain in the Missouri Synod.

If you are reading this on a mobile device, please “Exit Mobile Mode” to access the Share Your Story form.

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